A&C has the experience to provide clients with an independent, objective, and accurate estimate of a company’s value at a specified point in time. A&C’s Certified Valuation Analyst’s (CVA’s) have experience in a variety of industries to complete a fair assessment of value. The assessment is based on accepted industry guidelines and relevant assumptions to determine the value of a business.
Business Valuation is necessary for a business owner in order to acquire a company, raise capital, or to plan for eventual exit.
Business partners do not always agree on the best course of action for a company. In the case of a separation, a reasonable sale price should be determined. In the absence of a formal buy-sell agreement, an independent business valuation is recommended to settle disagreements on the “Fair Value” of the shares in question.
ASC 350 requires that after the initial recognition of goodwill and other intangible assets through a business combination or other acquisition, these assets be periodically tested for impairment. These impairment tests are the result of ASC 805 which prohibits the pooling of interest and eliminated goodwill amortization.
Upon conversion from a C Corp to an S corporation, the IRS requires the company to be re-valued in order to determine potential built-in gains tax that may be applied if the company were to sell or have any change in control event during the next 10 years.